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Nelson Studios News Archive

Subject: Works in Progress -- Posted by Isaac 2:36 PM Mar. 22, 2007
There's now a list of brickfilms Nelson Studios is currently working on at our films page. We have a goal of finishing at least 5 new brickfilms by the end of 2007. Watch for the first one this year sometime around early summer.

Subject: Nelson Studios Firefox Theme -- Posted by Isaac 11:56 AM Feb. 7, 2007
  K4 from the forums made a Firefox theme based on the main theme! You can download it here. For installation instructions, go to the official thread at the NS forums (click here). Click Here for a screenshot.

Subject: Upgrade your web browser -- Posted by Isaac 1:24 PM Nov. 2, 2006
New versions of Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox have been released! Some of the pictures on this site that are supposed to be transparent will appear with gray backgrounds if you are using Internet Explorer 6 or earlier. Upgrade to Firefox 2 and IE 7!

Subject: New Logo! -- Posted by Isaac 4:50 PM October 7, 2006
The new logo has been selected! Thank you to everybody who voted!

Subject: New Logo! -- Posted by Isaac 5:33 PM September 27, 2006
 We've been working on a new logo, and have come up with a few different versions. We want YOU to help us decide which one to use. Go to our forums and see the ideas for a new logo, then vote in the poll.

Subject: Nelson Studios Forums -- Posted by Isaac 4:35 PM August 15, 2006
 The Nelson Studios Forums (Message Boards) are now on line! Register at [direct link removed due to excessive spam]. Write reviews on our Brickfilms, talk to us, and chat about random stuff. Read the rules first, but have fun!

Subject: New Site Feature -- Posted by Isaac 10:05 AM July 24, 2006
 I've added a new page to the site. You can see a short summary of all the available films here. You can also get to it by clicking on "Brickfilms" at the top of the sidebar.

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